“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato
Nathan is a singer in Second Life, all his performances are 100% live, so expect some mistakes, ok a lot of mistakes. His fees and tips are donated to a UK charity for Children with cancer.
Below is a list of question asked by friends from SL to build this Bio, massive thank you to those who took part.
Age ? So old Im due to be featured on the antiques roadshow lol, I was born in 1965, the website along with me will get older so you can do the math. Where are you from ? My normal answer to that would be my mum, but Im from the UK , Coventry originally but left there when i was very young. How long you been singing ? Around 4 inches lol.Ok I was a drummer and backing vocalist originally with a band from 15 till 18, then I was pushed to sing main vocal with them and it all went from there. So as a solo singer around 35 years, then I stopped in the real world, Sl singing came after that. What got you into singing to start with? Music was always a big part of my childhood, I'd sing along to the records my mum played, so its just been there for me as somthing I did. Do you sing in the shower? 'Laughs' I sing everywhere, im very annoying. Whats your favorite genre? Wow dont make it easy for me please hahaha, ok well as a kid to my teens, 50's, good ole Rock N Roll, but as Ive grown so as my music taste, now it depends on my mood, just please dont kill me with any death metal or Rap, 'shudders' Favorite song? Thats a tough one, there are so many great songs, some meaning a lot to me, others just because the lyrics are amazing, but if I have to choose one only, True Love Ways, Buddy Holly If you couldn't sing, what would you want to do instead? Probably running a pub/bar that has live music. Do you like learning new songs? or do you dread it? Depends, some songs just hit me and I'm like 'yes I need to learn that' others I dread hahaha, they maybe great songs but some are daunting due to who sang them and their range etc, makes you question your own abilities at times. Why do yo sing 2 hours sets? I'm crazy hahahaha. Real life my shows were 3 hours long, Sl most do 1 hour, to me that just getting yourself and the audience warmed up, so 2 hours is good, I have been known to sing for 5 hours straight even in Sl, if the audience is enjoying it, I enjoy it more so it has that snowball effect. If you could meet 1 singer..who would it be? One I would have loved to have met is Buddy Holly, so much talent there, but that cant be, so now hhhmmm difficult, probably Garth Brooks, he had a big inpact on me a few years ago, brought country into my life really, I wasnt a country fan before that, sorry all you who are hahahahaha. How do you pick what songs you want to sing? Well I tried the old stick a pin in the list thing, but i was going through monitors at a hell of a rate lol. Seroiusly, it depends on my mood, the audience again, you get a feel for what they seem to like and then just add similar or just push the boundry for the odd song see how mit goes with them, its a lot of trial and error, more error in my case hahahaha. Why did you decide to sing in sl? Real life hit a bad point for me, to the point I could no longer go out of the house, SL has given me the oppertunity to still do what I love and share it with those who care to listen, so I get to sing without having to face the perils of the outside world, Im so grateful to have a second life.